Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lola Jewel is 4 Months Old!

Our newest addition since my blogging days is our precious Lola Jewel. She was born June 23, 2010. She is growing up fast and is already 4 months old! Here are some pictures of her over the last few months.
Lola is all ready for her first professional pictures while we were in the hospital. She is wearing the same bonnet that Lily wore when she was in the hospital.

1 month old

2 months old - I am really long!!

4 months has gone by so fast! Lola is finally eating 6 ounces at the time. She has had much trouble with eating as it has not been her favorite. At first it really hurt her tummy and we finally switched to soy formula. She still spits up a lot but is eating much better! Around 3 months we had a formula recall, so the eating thing has been tricky! Cereal will begin soon...not sure how we will fit feeding another one into our schedule!
At her 4 month check-up, she weighed 14 lbs and was 25 1/4 in long. Her head circumference was 16 2/4. She is a growing girl!! She is quickly outgrowing her clothes and is wearing some 6 month clothing already. In the past few weeks she has perfected rolling from back to tummy and then sometimes from tummy to back! She loves to talk and smile and is not patient when she wants something. She can cry VERY loud to get your attention. Last Friday evening she slept in her crib in her room for the first time at night (yes...I kept her in my room too long!). She sleeps from around 8 or 9 pm until around 3 in the morning waking up at that time for a bottle. She loves her paci at times and loves to see what is going on! Her sisters adore her and love on her all the time! What a blessing she is!

1 comment:

kristen said...

I am so glad you are back! All 3 girls are just beautiful! What a blessing! And don't feel bad...we didn't move Owen to her room until she was 7 months! And she did just fine. I have taken a break from Facebook till after the holidays so I will love getting to see the girls on your blog. As far as making your blog into books, check out this link from a blog I read. The writer also suggested you read the comments attached so there may be other suggestions as well.

I want to do that with mine too. Guess I should start soon. Let me know if you find a way/place to do it that you like. Take care!