Friday, July 4, 2008

Trip to the Georgia Aquarium

Wednesday we took a day trip to Atlanta to the aquarium. What fun it was! We took Lyla and her Grandmother and Granddaddy (Ashley's parents). Lyla loved it as did I! She loved getting a close look at the fish and really thought it was neat when she touched a sea anemone! She ended her day as we watched the 3D was her first "movie" experience!! I finally got her to wear her 3D glasses, and she was surprised as the fish swam right by her!

Touching the sea anenome!

She loved the statue of the mermaid.

Deepo the aquarium's mascot

At first she wanted to see him, but then when she found out he was "alive", that was a different story!

Lyla showing her daddy the fish.

Lyla thought it was so cool that her granddaddy was riding too!


Look at the fish!

Long day!!!!


kristen said...

Great pictures! We have not gone there yet, but I heard it's great. I bet she had a ball!

Anonymous said...

SO much fun! i can't wait to take eb there (and emme one day, too!) it looks like you guys had a blast!