Monday, April 18, 2011

First Egg Hunt of the Season!

Today was a fun filled Sunday!  We went to church and on the way there, Lyla says, "It is PALM DAY!" I was amazed that she knew today was Palm Sunday.  I asked her how she knew and she said, "Mrs. Jennifer taught me."  How very blessed we are that our children are growing up in a daycare where they are teaching them about God and Jesus' love for them.  Praise God!!  After a wonderful morning at church and a nap, we headed to our 1st Easter party of the season.  We had a wonderful afternoon on this gorgeous day with friends.  Lyla and Lily had a fun time finding eggs, and Lola loved watching all of the action!  Thank you, sweet friends, for inviting us!!


Goldilocks said...

The blog looks great. I love the title photo and the girls are precious in their easter bunny shirts. Pooh Bear thought it was pretty neat that Lyla was playing ball too.

kristen said...

They are so precious! And you always have them dressed like little those bunny shirts! :)

Velletta said...

The girls are so beautiful. It is so great to see them being raised by two wonderful parents that are intilling in them the word of God. Happy Easter to you all!!

Melanie said...

Thank you!! You are all so sweet!! Thanks, Julie, for showing me how to upgrade my blog! It made all the difference for me!!!!