Wednesday, June 22, 2011

VBS 2011

This past week, I had the privilege of teaching the 3 and 4 year olds at Vacation Bible School at our church.  This year's theme was the Big Apple Adventure.  This happened to be Lyla's class, and she couldn't wait for me to be her teacher!  :)  We had 10 children most everyday, give and take some.  It was amazing at what all they could do.  I think they learned a lot but also had a good time!  I am not sure I would want to teach 3 and 4 year olds everyday (potty breaks will get you!) but every now and then it is fun!  EVERYONE should try it sometime!  Thanks, Mrs. Julia for helping me!!

Here's our room!


Here are the kids hard at work...

 We made Twinkie taxis one day...

 Look at this sweet group...
 They made fruit loop necklaces in crafts...

 We are learning where New York is...
 We are walking like a taxi to crafts!

 Singing to Jesus...
 Making shields...

 Wednesday night was VBS Family Night...

 The girls loved the train.  They probably rode it 20 times!

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