Monday, October 31, 2011

Costume Fun!

It's Halloween Day and time for some Trick-or-Treating fun!  This year the girls were Peter Pan characters.  Lyla was Wendy, Lily was TigerLily, and Lola was Tinkerbell!  Our church has Trunk-or-Treat each year, and it is the best!  We are blessed to have such a wonderful church that plans such family friendly events.

Lola's Tinkerbell friend was so excited that they were twins!

Our church is filled with GIRLS!  :)


The sweet witch and ballerina!

Ready for some CANDY!

Lola tried her best to say "trick or treat"!

Lyla aka Wendy found her friend aka Tinkerbell!  

Lola LOVED passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters!

Hayride fun!

The best family picture we could get!

Candy TIME!

Lyla's favorite candy this year was anything NOT chocolate!

Lily loves ALL chocolate that she can have due to her allergies.  She loves Hershey bars.

Lola's favorite was the Swedish Fish!

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