Sunday, October 23, 2011


It's Lyla's 5th Birthday Party!!

On Saturday, October 22, we had a "Night Owl Party" for Lyla at our house.  She wanted to have a slumber party.  We did the PJs and stayed up late since they are really too little to sleepover!
We had the best time!  Thank you to SnowyBliss for the inspiration!

The Party Decorations
I decorated the table like a bed for our party!  It turned out too cute!

Our Owl Cake turned out perfectly!  Thank you to Cathy who always does a great job on our cakes.

 Glow Bracelets and Necklaces for our Glow-n-the-Dark Dance Party!

Owl Presents for all of the Guests!


The girls all had the cutest Owl PJs!  Thank you to Meme for finding them.

Uncle Mills and Uncle Matthew brought a fun gift!  A crayon making machine!

We began by making pizzas when all of the little girls arrived.  They each got to make their own.

Then while they were cooking, we got our sleeping bags out and got ready for our glow-n-the-dark dance party.

Freeze Dance was a big hit!

Pizza time!

Then the girls hunted for glow-n-the-dark stars.  Each star had a number on it.  They each had to find one!

Then it was party gift time!  Each girl got their very own present which correlated with their number on their star.  They each were given an owl to name and adopt as their very own!

None of the girls had trouble naming their owl!  They were so excited!

Then it was story time!

After a story, we had popcorn and watched some fairytale movies!

Finally it was time for milk, cookies, cake and presents!!

We had the best time with all of the little girls at our house!  
Lyla says that was the best birthday ever!  :)

Happy 5th Birthday, BIG GIRL!


kristen said...

That is about the cutest party I have ever seen!!! I love everything! I will have to remember this one for Owen :)

Goldilocks said...

What a cute, cute party! Love it!

Ashley said...

That is the most original, precious, fun looking birthday party I have ever seen! Good job!